Kerryn Gamble joins us In The Hot Seat!

Kerryn is author of book UNSTOPPABLE, and women’s self confidence & communication expert.  She helps women communicate with influence, and her mission is to close the confidence and achievement gap of professional women.

Kerryn didn’t know what she wanted to do when she first started out! So you can hopefully take some inspiration from her – hear how she got some headspace to get more clarity on what she wanted to do.

In this interview you will learn tons of gold including:

  • Kerryn’s journey from the corporate world, to mum life, to figuring out what she wants to do, to her starting point in business!
  • How to differentiate yourself in a flooded market (for Kerryn it was business and life coaching)
  • How she helps women reach their potential in business by showing them how to present themselves effectively using language and use of physicality.
  • The unique way she got FREE exposure to a room full of people in her target market – all whilst giving back to charity!
  • How Kerryn’s business model has evolved over the life of her business and how she is making money today!
  • Her practical tip for dealing with self-doubt that we can all use!

Connect with Kerryn here:

(Note: the video is a bit jumpy at the start but gets into flow at about 1:30 – sound is fine!).

Enjoy! Once you’ve had a chance to listen in make sure you let us know your biggest take away in the comments